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Colonial Period: Trade and Commerce

Page 27A:

Major Products Sent from the Southern Colonies:

2. indigo

Goods Carried by Peddlers:

1. clocks

3. hatchets

6. pins

10. medicine

Leading Exports:

1. whale oil

2. fish

6. wheat

9. tobacco

Leading Imports:

1. shoes

3. clothing

4. fruit

10. salt

Page 27B:

(3) manufactured goods

(5) colonies

(9) Philadelphia

(19) bills of exchange

The Puritans Word Unscramble

1) Church

7) Salem

11) towns

16) disease

18) farming

19) trade

20) roads

31) right to vote

40) husking bees



Europeans Establish New World Empires

1) Indies

2) Northwest Passage

3) Admiral

8) east coast

22) Armada

27) slaves

29) themselves

Study Guide - The Colonization of America

Anne Hutchinson Preaching - Library of Congress,.jpg

Free Study Guide Answers:

5) As a soldier, Captain John Smith brought order, structure, and a strong work ethic to the Jamestown settlement in Virginia. He forced the settlers to farm and build sturdy homes, among other things. Tobacco became a "cash crop" and made the Virginia colony rich and significant, thus attracting more settlers and keeping them prosperous.

6) In addition to slavery, the colonies employed a system of indentured servitude. Under this system, poor Europeans could secure passage to the colonies if they agreed to work for a number of years on a plantation. These indentured servants often worked for years in miserable conditions to secure their freedom.

9) When the Pilgrims landed in 1620, they drafted the Mayflower Compact, a document that established Plimouth Plantation as a "civil body politic," under the sovereignty of King James I of England. Every man was required to sign it. More powerful in many ways than the House of Burgesses, the Mayflower Compact set up what some consider America's first true self-government (except for the self-governing Native Americans).

10) They were called "Separatists" because they wanted to separate from the Church of England.

12) William Bradford wrote "Of Plimoth Plantation"

14) a government where the people rule (through voting)

20) a written plan of government

25) Plymouth, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, and Connecticut (Plymouth later becomes part of Massachusetts)

Study Guide - The American Revolution

2. George Washington gained valuable experience; the colonists saw that they could fight as well as the British; France was booted from North America.

3. Franklin was encouraging the colonies to unite to fight the French, or else risk being conquered.

9. a refusal to boy goods from a business or country.  The colonists began to boycott British goods after the Stamp Act in 1765, and again later after the Townshend Acts.

15. a body of citizens enrolled for military service, and organized to defend themselves and their community.  They are not professional soldiers.

17. It was the first shot fired at Lexington on April 19, 1775. It started the Revolutionary War.

20. patriots were colonists who supported the the war with England, for freedom.  They were ready to fight for their freedom.

23. Guerilla warfare refers to quick hit-and-run tactics used during war.

24. "Common Sense" inspired many Americans to become patriots, and support the war effort.

25. The Dec. of Ind. was written by Thomas Jefferson and declared to the world why the colonies had broken away from England. It has many memorable lines, including: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

27. an ally, in a war, is a country that supports another country in the cause they're fighting for.  France was the ally of the Americans in the Revolutionary War.

29. The Battle of Yorktown

31. The Treaty of Paris.  1783.  Secured that the United States was free from British rule, and doubled the size of the country.

33. King George III was the young, tyrannical ruler of England who would not accept anything short of colonial surrender once the war started.  Along with the British Parliament, King George's actions were the primary reason why the colonies chose to fight instead of agree to submit to British taxation and other injustices.

35. Leader of the Sons of Liberty; pushed for American independence; led the Boston Tea Party; member of the Continental Congress; known as "The Father of the Revolution"

37.  Revere was a member of the Sons of Liberty, a blacksmith, and an engraver.  His famous "midnight ride" to warn the minutemen in Lexington helped prepare them for the battle there.  He also warned John Hancock and Samuel Adams of the plot to arrest them.

38. Arnold was a tremendous soldier and general of the Continental Army and helped win the Battles of Saratoga. He later became a traitor, but his plan to deliver West Point to the British was foiled.

43. James Otis

45. Paul Revere

49. Nathan Hale

50. John Paul Jones

Study Guide - The Critical Period and Constitution 

1. What was the first constitution of the United States called?

The Articles of Confederation

3. How would you describe the Critical Period? When was it?

The Critical Period was the time period after the Revolutionary War, when the US constitution was the Articles of Confederation. The Critical Period ended in 1789, when the new US Constitution was ratified. The Critical Period was a time filled with problems, mostly due to the fact that the national government was weak, and the states had too much power.

8. Who was the president of the Constitutional Convention?

George Washington

10. What was the Great Compromise? (pgs 231-232)

Roger Sherman's "Great Compromise" (also called the Connecticut Compromise) solved the issue regarding representation in Congress. It created a bicameral legislature - a Senate and a House of Representation. Delegates to the Senate would be based on equal representation, each state sending two. The number of members sent by each state to the House would be based on population.

11. What did the Three-Fifths Compromise accomplish?

it allowed Southern states to count slaves when determining population... five slaves would be counted as three free persons

13. Who were the famous Federalists? Anti-Federalists?

Federalists: Washington, J. Adams, Madison, Franklin, Jay. Anti-Feds: Jefferson, S. Adams, Patrick Henry

15. What is a republic? (pg 222; 245)

A government where the people elect their representatives, and which is governed by the rule of law.

16. What is federalism?

it is the division of power between the states and the national government. (look in your foldable for a better answer)

17. What is "popular sovereignty"?

a fancy way of saying: Let the people VOTE to decide political issues

18. What does "democracy" mean?

A government where the people rule.

23. What branch of government does Article I discuss? Article II? Article III?

Article I = Legislative (Congress); Article II = Executive (President); Article III = Judicial (courts)

25. What are delegated powers?

powers/responsibilities given directly to the NATIONAL govt in the Constitution. An example would be declaring war.

26. What are reserved powers?

powers NOT given to the National govt are RESERVED to the states. An example would be public schooling

28. What is the introduction to the Constitution called? What are the famous first three words?

The Preamble. "We the people..."

29. What are the six things that the Founders believed our government was built to do?

-form a more perfect union

-establish justice

-insure domestic tranquility

-provide for the common defense

-promote the general welfare

-secure the blessings of liberty

30. What nation’s Parliament was the model for our Congress?


31. How many members are in the House of Representatives today? The Senate?

House - 435 Congressmen; Senate - 100 Senators

32. How long is the term of a House member? A Senator?

House members serve 2 year terms; A Senator serves 6 year terms

33. How many members does each state send to the Senate? The House?

For the Senate, each state sends two elected members. For the House, it depends on the population.

34. Where does the Congress meet?

the Capitol Building

36. How do we elect a president in the US?

through the Electoral College. The EC elects the president after the people vote.

37. What are the various "hats" (roles) that our presidents wear?

-Chief Executive


-Head of State

-Head of Party

38. How long does a president's term last? How many terms can he be elected to?

four years. twice

39. How does the president "check" the power of Congress?

He can VETO bills passed by Congress.

41. What are members of the US Supreme Court called?


42. What is the most important power of the Supreme Court? Why?

judicial review. this allows the courts to overturn laws passed by Congress.

44. What is an amendment?

a change or addition to the Constitution

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